
Thursday, September 22, 2016

Update 4

Update 4
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In the Works - Up coming


We have put together some basic getting started steps for getting going with your online business/es and some basic 'branding' steps as well.

I will be adding to these existing posts, adding a training on how you can turn your brand into 100% profits for YOU, and some basic sales education as well, please watch the blog for updates. (on our training blog here)
You can find our other training events on Facebook here.

We have a list of 20 some people who have filled out a samples request form and are open to receiving samples and contact from you, or some of you. You can gain access to this information by contacting Shauna Schollaert IF you are a lifetime member. I am currently working on something special for ALL paid members and something special for free members as well, just hang in there with me ;)

Tammy is having some personal issues and is not available via Facebook much right now, she has asked me to include in this update that she is reachable at 989-418-0131 via text if you need her. I'm happy to assist you with anything needed as well =D You can reach me (Shauna) via text as well at 989-424-8753 or either of us via email at

I am trying to work in a short 'live hang out' session each day but I have a crazy schedule of interruption all day everyday lol and I can not yet commit a time each day to this, but I am working on shifting all other business related matters to a later time in the day to allow me to hang with you guys =D. I am doing this for a number of reasons:
Transparency, you get to know me.. the real me
To be available personally to help you with questions on the spot
To educate myself in the workings of the live feeds, so I can in turn help YOU with them ;)
and because it is NOT something I am comfortable with. If I am preaching to you to leave your comfort zone.. I should be leading by example right??.. So here I am.. out of my comfort zone and in these live feeds... *sigh.. *wink...

As previously stated we are trying to get the areas we already have up and running to a stable and scheduled operation format and process and are not adding anything new at this time. We are in need of feedback and communication from our members in order to keep things easy for you to utilize. If you are having trouble understanding something, please reach out to us ;). A few times if necessary, or with multiple means like email and Facebook, sometimes one or the other is missed for one reason or another. Keep in mind this is NOT anyone's primary business, we all do this in our free time and when we are able ;). We are human, mistakes happen and we sometimes loose track of messages in today's fast paced, technological world! It is never our intention to ignore you or leave you needing help! Never be afraid to send us a 'reminder' about something!



*Order missing tools here

*Order tools for next month here

*Update your paid member information here
(This is the link we currently share to the public, you will want your information listed and up to date here!)

Helpful links

Blog List

  • WFHC training for online sellers

  • - In the beginning Part 2 Personal branding and multiple streams of income So I’ve got the groups, I’ve got the capture page or some way to gather leads, I a...
    32 minutes ago
  • - Just a little Hello, Keeping in Touch <3 View this email in your browser Keeping You In the Loop *online only* The Work From Home Club *Jus...
    1 week ago
  • - source~VIP training with the PLS system No Hope for the Lazy Posted on September 8, 2016 Are you a person who doesn’t want to work? Laze around day after...
    1 week ago


There are to many to mention you all at once anymore so please watch for these special mentions ;)

Michelle Dove is our volunteer gif and capture page manager/builder and we couldn't do it without her super quick and beautiful capture pages!

Jessica Twork builds flyer and business cards as well as other promotional tools. We would not be where we are today without her undying support!

Monique Lloyd is our assistant admin in many groups, our affiliate team leader and all round go to gal!

Daryl Beverly is providing many of our free tools such as car window decals, car door magnets, t-shirts, koozies and more!

Isabel Nuttall is running our games group and activities and getting those moving for us, we could use some help spreading the word here.

Leila Brenner is heading our online themed events, we wouldn't have them without her!

and so many countless others who take their time and desire to help and make this club possible! Please visit our paying members and show some support to those listed here


  1. Shauna I'm enjoying our "live" time together! At least to start of list of questions to answer later *wink wink* <3 when tech doesn't cooperate LOL!

    1. Hi Michelle! I missed this comment! Sorry about that! Yes I enjoy it as well, when I am able! I am hoping the new internet will work better and am hoping to stat live broadcasts again this coming week! <3 u for taking the time to comment here!
