
Monday, November 28, 2016

My tired soul

I am reaching out to you today to update you on somethings happening with the club and it's directors.

Quick re cap for those just joining us;
It has been almost a year since I (Shauna), Tammy and 8 others started the club. My dream was to create an environment that would SUPPORT your online businesses in many ways. Included in this support is promotional tools, avenues and support as well as purchases from your business. Over the course of this year we have lost every 'founding member' we had and it has boiled down to Tammy and myself with the help of a few loyal members keeping our club going. Rest assured, growing it is!! We have had many hurdles and changes but will NEVER give up, always press forward and 'find a way'.

This brings me to our newest struggle, and a very personal one for me.

 Our director and loved member Tammy Tomas is dealing with some pretty strong and scary life issues and needs to take a break from club duties for a time. 
This has a bit of a domino effect for many of us emotionally. We care for and are thinking of Tammy in her time of need but we are also wondering what will happen to the club with one of our MAJOR support 'beams' missing??
To be honest, I wondered myself. Sat down and cried for about 2 hours for the stress my friend feels as well as for myself. It felt as though it is to much for me, one person to keep up with. I have a large family and full time business  as well as building this 200 + member club and our MANY, MANY areas (for FREE)?! Facebook is continually making our jobs harder and my head was spinning with a ton of 'can't do's' and the possibility of shutting the club down altogether. I was quite simply over whelmed, over loaded and DEPRESSED. It is already mostly my personal funds that keep the 'bills' paid associated with the club, it requires a full time 'promoter' like Tammy was to even keep us moving forward. How could I now keep this up all ALONE???.. (add another bout of shower time tears here!)

BUT WAIT! WHAT'S OUR MOTTO? "You are NOT alone" right?

We have some very determined and hard working members here already! I don't have to do this alone, WE CAN DO IT TOGETHER! So many of you have already reached out and offered! My heart is filled and lifted! *happy tears

Now that leaves me in the position of figuring out what areas I need the most help with, who is loyal enough to stick with it, and how will I train them?

All questions we can find answers to, not the end of the club at all!! (Lots of smiles and slightly crazy laughs here)
So a deep breath and cleared Monday schedule later, I am here attempting to put things in order and get 'on track'

One of our most valuable areas for bringing in much needed funds are our events.
We have one new director who will be helping to host the 4 current online events we have going and I would love to have at least one person working with her. (the very talented Monique Lloyd)
Some of the things I will need the hosts to do:
Contact vendors periodically to be sure everyone is participating
Removing those who want to be removed and making the appropriate changes in the appropriate lists, Adding new categories and sharing old (shops), updating approved vendor lists and other simple duties as needed.
Please keep in mind this is all voluntary, we will send 'thank you' gifts as we can. (update for our volunteer payment fund coming soon!)

Another big thing I could use is you all reminding people the best way to contact me is via email. or will reach me fastest. I will be bouncing between Tammys profile and my own but know in all honesty I will NEVER be able to keep up with comments and questions presented there. If you see someone has asked or commented with something important and you don't know the answer, please direct them to one of the above email addresses ;).

I also would like to increase the amount of 'club talk' happening in the 'information group'. Mo has been doing a GREAT job adding and welcoming new members, but I would love to see those of you who have connected and now work together, sharing these things there too. Sam and Jen have started a elf project at one time, I think we have the Christmas card exchange going and many of you now talk and work on projects daily together. I would love to get this feeling of unity and love 'known' in the main group. Let the new people coming in know what we are really all about! Explain the club, how it works and how we do require patience during this 'baby' phase. We are only just coming into our second year of EXISTENCE and we have made leaps and bounds, but we still have a long way to go before we are a 'perfect process'.

There is much more to discuss and go over but I must move on with a very busy Monday and get some other 'balls rolling' and 'wheels turning' to be sure I have a sound foundation under our bottoms. Then - UP, UP , UP we goooooooooo

I love you all, I am thankful for and to you all!
*heart hug*

I would also love someone who would like to put together our club updates WEEKLY. I would send you information and you would compile the email in our software.

Blog stories to share on our blog, you got some? ;) Stay at home mom content, business building tips and items... send 'em to me to be shared!

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