
Monday, November 28, 2016

My tired soul

I am reaching out to you today to update you on somethings happening with the club and it's directors.

Quick re cap for those just joining us;
It has been almost a year since I (Shauna), Tammy and 8 others started the club. My dream was to create an environment that would SUPPORT your online businesses in many ways. Included in this support is promotional tools, avenues and support as well as purchases from your business. Over the course of this year we have lost every 'founding member' we had and it has boiled down to Tammy and myself with the help of a few loyal members keeping our club going. Rest assured, growing it is!! We have had many hurdles and changes but will NEVER give up, always press forward and 'find a way'.

This brings me to our newest struggle, and a very personal one for me.

 Our director and loved member Tammy Tomas is dealing with some pretty strong and scary life issues and needs to take a break from club duties for a time. 
This has a bit of a domino effect for many of us emotionally. We care for and are thinking of Tammy in her time of need but we are also wondering what will happen to the club with one of our MAJOR support 'beams' missing??
To be honest, I wondered myself. Sat down and cried for about 2 hours for the stress my friend feels as well as for myself. It felt as though it is to much for me, one person to keep up with. I have a large family and full time business  as well as building this 200 + member club and our MANY, MANY areas (for FREE)?! Facebook is continually making our jobs harder and my head was spinning with a ton of 'can't do's' and the possibility of shutting the club down altogether. I was quite simply over whelmed, over loaded and DEPRESSED. It is already mostly my personal funds that keep the 'bills' paid associated with the club, it requires a full time 'promoter' like Tammy was to even keep us moving forward. How could I now keep this up all ALONE???.. (add another bout of shower time tears here!)

BUT WAIT! WHAT'S OUR MOTTO? "You are NOT alone" right?

We have some very determined and hard working members here already! I don't have to do this alone, WE CAN DO IT TOGETHER! So many of you have already reached out and offered! My heart is filled and lifted! *happy tears

Now that leaves me in the position of figuring out what areas I need the most help with, who is loyal enough to stick with it, and how will I train them?

All questions we can find answers to, not the end of the club at all!! (Lots of smiles and slightly crazy laughs here)
So a deep breath and cleared Monday schedule later, I am here attempting to put things in order and get 'on track'

One of our most valuable areas for bringing in much needed funds are our events.
We have one new director who will be helping to host the 4 current online events we have going and I would love to have at least one person working with her. (the very talented Monique Lloyd)
Some of the things I will need the hosts to do:
Contact vendors periodically to be sure everyone is participating
Removing those who want to be removed and making the appropriate changes in the appropriate lists, Adding new categories and sharing old (shops), updating approved vendor lists and other simple duties as needed.
Please keep in mind this is all voluntary, we will send 'thank you' gifts as we can. (update for our volunteer payment fund coming soon!)

Another big thing I could use is you all reminding people the best way to contact me is via email. or will reach me fastest. I will be bouncing between Tammys profile and my own but know in all honesty I will NEVER be able to keep up with comments and questions presented there. If you see someone has asked or commented with something important and you don't know the answer, please direct them to one of the above email addresses ;).

I also would like to increase the amount of 'club talk' happening in the 'information group'. Mo has been doing a GREAT job adding and welcoming new members, but I would love to see those of you who have connected and now work together, sharing these things there too. Sam and Jen have started a elf project at one time, I think we have the Christmas card exchange going and many of you now talk and work on projects daily together. I would love to get this feeling of unity and love 'known' in the main group. Let the new people coming in know what we are really all about! Explain the club, how it works and how we do require patience during this 'baby' phase. We are only just coming into our second year of EXISTENCE and we have made leaps and bounds, but we still have a long way to go before we are a 'perfect process'.

There is much more to discuss and go over but I must move on with a very busy Monday and get some other 'balls rolling' and 'wheels turning' to be sure I have a sound foundation under our bottoms. Then - UP, UP , UP we goooooooooo

I love you all, I am thankful for and to you all!
*heart hug*

I would also love someone who would like to put together our club updates WEEKLY. I would send you information and you would compile the email in our software.

Blog stories to share on our blog, you got some? ;) Stay at home mom content, business building tips and items... send 'em to me to be shared!

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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

New advertising page

Quick memo, larger update coming soon
I wanted to take a moment to go over the new page for active, donating members. You can find it here > WFHC Active members.

This is the page we will be using to promote your items and businesses. In the later future we hope to have a extensive page set up for you clubbies. With categories and products listed under each and much more. In order to get a functioning link up and running in a easier, quicker manner for 2017 We created this page. We are going to load your information (that we have on record, provided by you) but you are free to post to this page too! If your information is missing or wrong, feel free to post it there and we will be sure to make it available to everyone. You can also post ads right to this page on occasion. Be sure to include your name in the post, or business name so you can be 'searched' if needed ;)

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Headed into 2017

Hey there

            I want to start off by sharing my excitement! We have taken over 20 years of shared experience and knowledge and have worked for 11 months to build a giant 'wheel' of business support with the WFHC.

            In the beginning it was hard to see the entire vision and many saw us as 'just another Facebook group'. Now we are headed into year 2 of building the Work From Home Club and much of the ground work has been laid! You can now start to see the wheel.. The club is the heart of the wheel, each of YOU is a spoke to our outer, stronger, DRIVING force. Rolling over the competition because we are the biggest TEAM out there!

            We will provide you will as many avenues for increasing your exposure, knowledge and sales as we possibly can as we grow, making the WFHC the only tool you need to grow your online business!

2017 WFHC at a glance
Work From Home Club
WFHC Active members

Subscription forms
WFHC general updates
Free member subscription form
Event updates
WFHC Tips N Tricks
WFHC Yearly members
Life time member updates
WFHC Affiliate updates

Upgrades, donations, events

WFHC current events
 Flea market shopping event
Flea market shopping event II
Yard Sale Sho
pping Event I
WFHC $5 events

WFHC for newbies
WFHC training events.
WFHC Networking for Direct Sales Companies
WFHC Online selling for newbies
WFHC Marketing and Business Building Info

WFHC online selling for the not so new
WFHC online selling for the not so new seller
             ALL the wfhc groups

WFHC most visited groups
Work From Home Club information
WFHC networking and open discussion
WFHC birthdays- under construction
WFHC training events
WFHC Vendor Events
WFHC Games
WFHC Affiliate info and support
WFHC advertising groups
WFHC Sell It Sunday group
WFHC Paid members only- under construction
WFHC lifetime members only- under construction
WFHC V.I.P members- under construction
Kelly's Work From Home CLUB
Tiff's Work From Home Club - under construction
WFHC "Help A Clubbie Out" Group

WFHC blog
The WFHC : What's included in a WFHC membership?
The WFHC : WFHC Current Shopping events
The WFHC : WFHC sponsored event advertising areas
WFHC training for online sellers: Online Events-Tips in Tricks
Free business building tips!!
WFHC training for online sellers: For beginners just starting to sell online
WFHC training for online sellers: For those with beginners experience, moving forward
WFHC recommended tools

This list will be edited, updated and broadcasted often !!


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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

End of October 2016

The first thing I want to address in this update is a


Our club is gaining MANY valuable, empathetic, sympathetic, selfless and very GIVING members. I thank God everyday! Making your dreams happen is making MY dream happen, I thank each and everyone one of you from the bottom of my soul and heart.
Unfortunately we will also run into the exact opposite as well and I encourage you to be very thoughtful BEFORE giving. Get to know someone for at least a month before you join any business with them, send them any cash or invest your heart wholly into any causes. You need to do your research on the people you run into that are 'in need' and even businesses you haven't heard much about. We will do our very best to keep our groups and areas scam free but when dealing with numbers in the thousands, some will slip past our screenings.

We have seen at least 2 questionable businesses this year that have disappeared and or cost many much needed dollars and time. These people were immediately removed from our club but are awful reminders that no place is 100% safe from the 'dark side'. I love you like long time friends, even though we've only know each other a short time. I NEVER want to see any of you hurt in any way and get fiercely upset when I hear that you are or have been. If I / we could keep you cloaked from all fraudulent activity forever, we would lol. Since we can not we are forced to remind you that we are providing a 'safer than usual' environment but ultimately it is you who must guard yourself in those private moments of messaging. Interacting and asking around in the club if you are feeling 'funny' about something or someone, is encouraged! Tammy Tomas and Shauna Schollaert are your 'founders' and can always be approached with questions or concerns.


October has been a busy and successful month for us from where I sit!

We've had a few set backs but have made more forward progress than backward!


The Go Fund Me Campaign

We have lost our go fund me account / campaign. They feel we are to 'salesy' to use a go fund me account to raise funds. Won't they feel silly once we are a legal non profit club! I try not to spend to much time on what I cannot control or that may suck the wind out of our sails, so we have left Go Fund Me and the (approx.) $500 in fees they collected, behind and are pressing forward using Squareup. This has proven to be quite the blessing in disguise as we can lay out the site in a easy to understand manner and hold all our donation and reward options in one place as well as payment plans! We love it back here so far! Please let us know what your experience on the new site is like so we can continue to improve it and keep it simple for all.

The Affiliate Program

For those of you new to the club, you may not even be aware but you can make cash money hunny! When you tell your friends about the club (and we are confident you will HAVE to talk about it because we are awesome lol) and they decide they are going to be just as smart as you and jump on board, make a donation and upgrade to a club monthly, yearly or life time member, YOU GET 10% of the donation as a thank you gift!

We have been trying to get this program up and running smoothly for some months now and have run into issue after issue but are finally on the right track!
We are now issuing the thank you gifts with in 48 hours of the referrals upgrade! It will be Tammy Tomas or Shauna Schollaert that has to make the transfer to you so it will only take as long as their schedules require, no more than 48 hours in most usual cases.

What about my past payments?
We are working on getting all the referrals logged so we can start issuing funds due. We no longer have the $25 minimum and will get everyone what they have earned HOWEVER, we are having a lot of trouble due to the Go Fund Me account being closed and it holding many of the upgrades names that we would then link with the payment information to find who referred them. (see what a pain the old way was lol) We will do all that we can do including contacting you to be sure we have everyone recorded and squared away with any balances due them.

Our new shopping events.

The club wants to be the only source of business building help, tools, items and anything at all you need for growing your business. It will be some time before we have everything covered but we are taking a step forward with our new online events!
We are going the extra 10 miles and making these different from your typical online events. We are setting them up in a easy to shop environment and investing a health portion into advertisements for each one. We are switching target markets at different points of the event/s and are reaching many people this way. We no longer send 'invites' to these events as we want everyone to see how well the advertising is doing, not gamble with how many 'invited' people might actually look at it. We suspect putting the event in front of those who have shown to be interested in shopping online, home businesses and other online shopping activity, will be more successful than invitations and crossed fingers.
Like many areas of the club this is new and experimental. We can not give you solid statistics or success rates because we simply do not know yet. If you use the exposure and event correctly, you will reach MANY, possibly hundreds,outside of your current networks.

It's your club too and we need your help!

With hundreds of members and 20 hundred things to do everyday, we need YOU, the members of the club to keep the Facebook groups going when your 2 main "leaders" are off doing this sort of work behind the scenes and cannot be in the groups keeping interest and conversation up. All you have to do to accomplish this is post questions, tips or other interesting content when you see the groups are slow or quiet. We have many new members who will 'watch and wait' before jumping in. We want them to see a productive and active atmosphere even when Tammy and Shauna are not present.


Mo won over $100 in Pampered Chef products and Jamie was the lucky consultant she shopped with!

Experiments we are no longer doing at this time due to low success rates

Pop up sales
Fundraiser contact gathering for personal fundraisers

Coming up in November

We will be continuing to focus on the new events as well as getting the paid members webpage finished up. We are hoping to be doing some work on the $5 events (free to members) to get some exposure growing there and pushing our games group! Our member and volunteer admin Isabel is probably pretty lonely over there! We don't talk about it enough! Any help spreading the word about our games group would be GREAT!
WFHC Games

Click here to view our new site, make a donation, payment, or join one of our new online shopping events!! Please remember to tell all your friends by sharing the site!
*Image provided by WFHC member @RivetDesigns
Click here to visit our affiliate sign up page, learn about the WFHC affiliate program, find the affiliate Facebook group, and sign up to be a WFHC affiliate and make some bucks helping others build their business with us.
Click the name of the event below to visit, shop, rent space and check out the newest WFHC way to expose your business! ;)
Flea market shopping event (currently advertising)
Flea market shopping event II (currently advertising)
Yard Sale Shopping Event I (advertising has not yet begun, get your space first!)


These people went out of their way for the club this month. Maybe they donated and item for give a ways or auctions. Maybe they made a sizeable cash donation. They may have shared our items more than anyone else or they may be working their bottoms off day and night on some part of the club or another but we want them to have special notice because they've given YOU extra ...

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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Update 4

Update 4
View this email in your browser

In the Works - Up coming


We have put together some basic getting started steps for getting going with your online business/es and some basic 'branding' steps as well.

I will be adding to these existing posts, adding a training on how you can turn your brand into 100% profits for YOU, and some basic sales education as well, please watch the blog for updates. (on our training blog here)
You can find our other training events on Facebook here.

We have a list of 20 some people who have filled out a samples request form and are open to receiving samples and contact from you, or some of you. You can gain access to this information by contacting Shauna Schollaert IF you are a lifetime member. I am currently working on something special for ALL paid members and something special for free members as well, just hang in there with me ;)

Tammy is having some personal issues and is not available via Facebook much right now, she has asked me to include in this update that she is reachable at 989-418-0131 via text if you need her. I'm happy to assist you with anything needed as well =D You can reach me (Shauna) via text as well at 989-424-8753 or either of us via email at

I am trying to work in a short 'live hang out' session each day but I have a crazy schedule of interruption all day everyday lol and I can not yet commit a time each day to this, but I am working on shifting all other business related matters to a later time in the day to allow me to hang with you guys =D. I am doing this for a number of reasons:
Transparency, you get to know me.. the real me
To be available personally to help you with questions on the spot
To educate myself in the workings of the live feeds, so I can in turn help YOU with them ;)
and because it is NOT something I am comfortable with. If I am preaching to you to leave your comfort zone.. I should be leading by example right??.. So here I am.. out of my comfort zone and in these live feeds... *sigh.. *wink...

As previously stated we are trying to get the areas we already have up and running to a stable and scheduled operation format and process and are not adding anything new at this time. We are in need of feedback and communication from our members in order to keep things easy for you to utilize. If you are having trouble understanding something, please reach out to us ;). A few times if necessary, or with multiple means like email and Facebook, sometimes one or the other is missed for one reason or another. Keep in mind this is NOT anyone's primary business, we all do this in our free time and when we are able ;). We are human, mistakes happen and we sometimes loose track of messages in today's fast paced, technological world! It is never our intention to ignore you or leave you needing help! Never be afraid to send us a 'reminder' about something!



*Order missing tools here

*Order tools for next month here

*Update your paid member information here
(This is the link we currently share to the public, you will want your information listed and up to date here!)

Helpful links

Blog List

  • WFHC training for online sellers

  • - In the beginning Part 2 Personal branding and multiple streams of income So I’ve got the groups, I’ve got the capture page or some way to gather leads, I a...
    32 minutes ago
  • - Just a little Hello, Keeping in Touch <3 View this email in your browser Keeping You In the Loop *online only* The Work From Home Club *Jus...
    1 week ago
  • - source~VIP training with the PLS system No Hope for the Lazy Posted on September 8, 2016 Are you a person who doesn’t want to work? Laze around day after...
    1 week ago


There are to many to mention you all at once anymore so please watch for these special mentions ;)

Michelle Dove is our volunteer gif and capture page manager/builder and we couldn't do it without her super quick and beautiful capture pages!

Jessica Twork builds flyer and business cards as well as other promotional tools. We would not be where we are today without her undying support!

Monique Lloyd is our assistant admin in many groups, our affiliate team leader and all round go to gal!

Daryl Beverly is providing many of our free tools such as car window decals, car door magnets, t-shirts, koozies and more!

Isabel Nuttall is running our games group and activities and getting those moving for us, we could use some help spreading the word here.

Leila Brenner is heading our online themed events, we wouldn't have them without her!

and so many countless others who take their time and desire to help and make this club possible! Please visit our paying members and show some support to those listed here