
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Update 3
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Checking, double checking, triple checking, right on up to 1001 checks to be sure we are getting it right! Please be sure you have filled out the proper form for your membership. As we grow and iron out issues it will be even more important to have your information in the correct spot. ESPECIALLY if you are missing tools. Our program is NOT perfect yet lol, but we really DO send out free tools and intend on getting you everything you order! We do need to make sure we have everyone's correct information in the correct areas, in order to implement a smooth business growing experience for you..


Click the Image to edit the business information shared by us with EVERYONE
Introducing the Leads / Samples project
Originally, lifetime members were supposed to get a monthly list of people in need of personal fundraisers. This program, like many of those done by the club in these beginning building stage, was experimental. We did not have many people 'in need' participate and we did not receive very much feedback from participants to see if they were reaching out to these leads, holding fundraisers or getting replies.

Out with the poop.... The goal is to get you contacts you can utilize so we now bring you  the experimental SAMPLES program. We are gathering contact information from people in the general public who are up for receiving samples and product information. We will be providing lifers a monthly list of these people in spread sheet form. Watch for more updates. We will also be getting back on track with the 'groups' emails you should be receiving monthly with groups to join! I can not apologize enough for having gotten off track with these, our plates over runnith, to say the least lol !

YEARLY AND MONTHLY MEMBERS, do not fear! We are working on a project for you all too, and it will be just as good as this one as we value you all! Please judge not how we prioritize our crazy long to do list, but instead reply to these emails with suggestions you would like to see implemented. It is your right as you are a MEMBER OF A CLUB and have the right to voice your opinion, concerns and suggestion!
Click the Image to order your September tools if you haven't done so already.
Page Funnel, grow your page, network and reach!

We are going to repeat this page funnel as we don't seem to have many of you on board just yet. Remember, the main idea behind this club is that we ALL HELP EACH OTHER GROW.. this will be YOUR page some day and to take full advantage of our potential reach, we MUST all get to interacting with these types of activities! Or perhaps we no longer have members who want to use the power of numbers, the effort of networking, to expand their reach? We have to have support from the club members to continue our work guys.. please please... pretty please?!
Missing a order?  Click the above image.
Introducing our Mentor Program
Many of the members who have been in the business of selling online for a while are now interested in moving forward with branding themselves. This is a excellent decision and I (Shauna) would love to guide you if needed. Simple reach out to me (it takes me a while to get to all the messages, but I do get to them ;) ) and we will go over a personalized plan for you and your business.

I am trying to teach those of you doing this a 'new' way to truly brand yourself, not only be unique in your market and promoting someone else's business/company, but can help you either way ;).

One of the first things you will need is people to mentor and you will need to have a clear understanding of the process you go through when transitioning from 'regular old Facebook person' to online sales, or if the person has not worked with computers much, in order TO mentor.

You have probably seen the 'feeler' posts or 'leader' posts asking who is interested in 1 being a mentor and 2 who is interested in being mentored.
We will put together official 'sign up' forms for tracking you all soon.

You will learn as much from these first few 'business buddies' , 'clients' , guinea pigs or what ever cute term you come up with lol!! You will learn what exactly it is you NEED TO LEARN in order to TEACH..  You will find out what these people need help with most, how to best help them and then how to turn that into profit for you as a coach or mentor.. (you need me for that part maybe ;) )

You will be building a 'following' of those in need of beginners help and they will grow into successful business people who follow and talk about YOU!

Stay tuned for more information on this new project, sign up forms and emails lining them up!
Updates / New
Our Blog has moved. You do not HAVE to relist your information if the change upsets you. We WILL still be sharing the old blog but it did not allow you to click on the links posted by your visitors.. this is no good for those of us trying to interact with each other. We now have a new and improved, simple Blogger blog ;) You can visit it here -

On this blog you can share your links and we can click it to visit! Please take a look and post your business information in appropriate places if you'd like! This blog links to our G+ page with over 69,000 views!

Please make us aware of any issues by replying to this email.
Affiliate Program Changes.

The program we first chose and and are presently using for our affiliate program, is proving to be disappointing in many areas. While we are working to see if we can make this work so that everyone can see the members they sign up and are getting proper credit, we are also testing a couple others. I am currently setting them up and have 10 beta testers ( I believe we have 1 spot left but will let you know). After our 'testing' period of a month - 3 months, we will be moving forward with whatever program has worked out best.
We are sorry for any confusion this may bring, but as stated many times.. we are learning as we go as this is a ground breaking program. It frustrates us as well when we have to change something we thought we were set in ;) .
Watch for more updates on this change. You may continue to use the program we have in place now to earn commissions or simple refer people to the go fund me account and have them mention you in the comments.

Branding and Attraction Marketing Step by Step 
We are putting together step by step guides to starting , running and growing a home or small business including branding yourself either in your industry or with your own personal product. These will be posted to our blog and sent out periodically by email as well.
Watch for updates

Thank you for watching us grow and for growing with us!
Research/ In the Works


Take advantage of the fresh exposure of our new POP UP SALEs. Watch for the image posted above to be posted and follow instructions to shop or post rock bottom deals and prices on products and services .

These sales will 'pop up' all over Facebook, on our business pages, in our groups, on members pages (if you would like to 'host' a pop up sale on your page and receive new visitors, just reply to this email stating so ;) )

With your help we can make this a interesting new trend! Perhaps a way to boost sales. The first thing we must do is spread these pop up sales far and wide to peak interest! Images will change to keep people on their toes and they will have to follow us to find the sale ;) vendors and shoppers a like.

PLEASE DO TRY TO STAY ON POINT AND POST CHEAP DEALS AND OFFERS ;)  This is also a great way/place to use your capture pages along with the offer ;)

The general public can participate, this is NOT just for clubbies. 
We are currently researching and experimenting with the whole, 'online party' philosophy and set up. I plan to find something NEW that WORKS for getting peoples attention for you!

Most of your businesses should be targeting those in their 20-30s and mostly women, according to my recent research.. ;) I will take this information and find out how to reach this market, what to say or how to approach this market and other aspects we can then utilize for YOU and your parties..

Much, much more going on so keep your eyes peeled.. I'm leaving you with this for now.. Not sure how much is 'to much' for you ;)

Pop up sales . watch for them

1 comment:

  1. I looooove the idea of the pop up sales! I have so much that I can do with this! Count me in girl!!! 😘💝💕🙌
