
Sunday, September 4, 2016

Missing Tools

For those of you who have tools you ordered before June 2016, please fill out this form to get 'back on track'.
We had an issue with forms and spread sheets a while back and while we were able to collect most data again, we did permanently lose other pieces.

In addition to this, we've had a massive slow down in funds over the past month which has put us behind on flyers and other printed items.

Don't worry, we expected times like this and have a plan for this as well. We are working to acquire sponsors who will be donating regularly. Our first one will begin mid month this month which will help us kick out those tools some of you are waiting on, as well as some recent donations which will be coming into the account and available for use mid week.

We are also considering the implementation of a small monthly 'dues fee' to help keep things running smoothly as we grow, however this will be a last resort as we do not want to inflict ANY reoccurring fees on our members! Suggestions are welcome!

Please refrain from leaving 'I didn't receive this or that' comments. (unless the thread specfically requests it)
Reason number one, how will we recruit new members and keep funds coming in to keep tools going out at all if we are leaving comments that look as if we don't send tools.
Second, half the time the comments will be missed and you will STILL not receive your missing item, leading to more issues.

Please do send us a email at or a message on Facebook. This way we can be sure you receive your items. NOTE that there are many, many more of you than us and it can take us sometime to get to you but we will get to you. As we get all the areas working together, more volunteers in place and orders coming in and going out regularly, things can only get better for you too. This is our FIRST YEAR and we have a long way to go, with your patience we will ALL get to where we want to be.

We also need your cooperation. Please try to make it a point to check our updates. We have the emails, this blog and post about different changes EVERYWHERE to help ensure you are up to date and have what you need or a means to it.. We can not help you if you do not help yourself.

If you are sitting back waiting for tools and not utilizing the full potential of the club, I expect you will be pretty disappointed with your membership.. The main goal is to grow business TOGETHER using the power of our numbers. The free business tools are a 'bonus' we are still getting rolling. The gold mine is in the other members, their knowledge and relationships..

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